Using High Security Paper Shredders

Those provided with classified information, are required to know their responsibilities and duty of care whilst handling official information.

For Government Departments this includes:

  • Understanding that classified, paper based information is a highly valuable resource.
  • Custodians understanding their responsibilities and duty of care.
  • That certified shredding is of paramount importance when destruction is required.

There are several compliant methods that can provision the secure destruction ( deidentification ) of paper based, protected, secret and top secret classified information.

Shredding official information at the office using a compliant Class A or Class B paper shredder, provides the means to instantly destroy documents whilst meeting the requirements of the PSPF ( protective security policy framework ). Certified Class A and Class B paper shredders suitable for the destruction of Australian government classified information, are proven to have passed independent NATA testing in accordance with the Protective Security Equipment Guide (SEG 001.1) test procedures for Class A and B paper shredders (v1.0 06/09/2011).

For advice regarding what means of document destruction is the most appropriate for your circumstances, the Business and Government Liaison Unit (BGLU) can provide security advice and assist maintaining the integrity and availability of information that is critical to business operations.

For more information and useful advice on compliant Class A or Class B paper shredder, contact Shredder Sales on 1800 808 880 or Email:

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