Committed to raising the bar of our circular economy, Australia’s business community recognises the urgency to transition away from our current take-make-use-dispose culture and to seek greater awareness of circular practices and solutions.
Cardboard Recycling Bin

It goes without saying, how your Packaged Products Present once shipped to the receiver, speaks volumes about your organisation’s activity in the circular economy and commitment to reducing environmental impact.

Recovery and the recycling of some resources has for some time been accepted as the best outcome; however the circular economy is so much more than just recycling. By changing how we design, manufacture, use and repurpose products and materials, emissions are reduced as resources are efficiently used and kept in circulation for longer, while maintaining their usefulness.

For most organisations, there is an overwhelming desire to transition away from plastic packaging and to use a more eco-friendly and socially responsible packaging solution.

The Circular Economy and Implementing Circularity into Your Business Practices
Perforated Cardboard Packaging Shredded Cardboard Packaging Crockery

With the opportunity to improve your environmental scorecard with immediate and considerable effect, Cardboard Perforators are increasingly being embraced by business and government alike with the environmental and commercial benefits becoming harder to ignore. By integrating these useful machines into packing processes, instantly the reliance on plastic packaging is greatly reduced with waste cardboard being Upcycled Into Effective Eco Friendly Packaging.

Adopt Circularity with GreenWay by INFOSTOP, Restorative and Regenerative by Design!