Can you imagine what our lives would look like without the many advantages of packaging?

Just think how often we encounter various packaging and single use items we use every day. Yet as our global population increases and developing countries evolve, both our collective hunger for packaging materials and the waste volumes we generate as a result increase dramatically.

Currently, large amounts of packaging waste escape formal collection and recycling methods, eventually polluting and negatively impacting the environment. Furthermore, the material value is forever lost to the economy and is estimated at 80 to 120 billion dollars a year for uncollected plastic packaging waste alone.

How can we improve packaging recovery to capture this wasted potential? Clearly, the way we currently design, recover, and reuse packaging needs serious consideration and there are opportunities right now that improve how we recover and reuse cardboard boxes.  

Cardboard Perforators and Shredders are becoming increasingly popular as the concerns of single use plastic packaging are being addressed. Instantly minimize waste, maximize positive economic, environmental and social impacts, and keep resources locked in a cycle of restoration.

It goes without saying, how your Packaged Products Present for shipping, speaks volumes about your organisation’s activity in the circular economy and commitment to reducing environmental impact.

This Blog unpacks the value of cardboard perforators and how they are increasingly being integrated into the warehouses of many organisations large and small to reduce their environmental impact, the many advantages of using a cardboard perforator is becoming harder to ignore.